1、不求甚解------------就是初学者念诵《心经》,首先不要去理解它。《心经》几乎囊括了佛法经典最重要的基础概念,如五蕴、色空、苦集灭道等复杂具体的基础概念,非一日一月或经年之功而能明晓。念诵心经的好处 最关键的是,获得佛家智慧,不能以理解的经义植入头脑,先入为主地生成偏见执著;而要将经文原封不动地融入内心,让天赋根性来慢慢悟解其义。顿悟或渐悟《心经》的深意之后,可参考高僧大德的说法解释,以进一步助成身心健康的变化。
When the holy Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara had truly grasped the transcendent wisdom, he realized that visible form is only illusion. The same applies to its perception, to its names and categories, to discriminative intellect and finally even to our consciousness. They are all illusion. With this realization he was beyond all sorrow and bitterness.
Disciple Sariputra! The material is not different from the immaterial. The immaterial and the material are in fact one and the same thing. The same applies to perception, concepts, discriminative thinking and consciousness. They are neither existing nor not existing.
Sariputra! All things therefore they are in themselves not good and not bad, they are not increasing and not decreasing. Therefore one may say there are no such things as form, perception, concepts, thinking process, and consciousness. Our senses such as eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind are misleading us to illusion; thus one may also say there is no reality in visible form, sound, smell, taste, touch and mind knowledge. There are also no such things as the realms of sense from sight up to mind, and no such things as the links of existence from ignorance and its end to old age and death and their end. Also the Four Noble Truths are nonexistent, just as there is no such thing as wisdom and also no gain.
Because the holy Bodhisattva who relies on transcendent wisdom knows that there is no gain, he has no worries and also no fear. Beyond all illusion he has reached the space of highest Nirvana. All Buddhas of the past present and future, found highest perfect knowledge because they relied on transcendental wisdom.
Therefore we ought to know that the great verse of the transcendent wisdom is unsurpassed in its splendor and that it appeases truly all pain. It reads: GATE, GATE, PARAGATE, PARASAMGATE BODHISVAHA!